Viele deutsche und österreichische Intellektuelle retteten sich vor dem NS-Terror nach Palästina. Sie sind die „Jeckes“. Zu ihnen zählte der Historiker Walter Grab, Gründer des Instituts für deutsche Geschichte an der Universität Tel Aviv. Sein umfangreiches Archiv diente seiner Enkelin, der Journalistin Shelly Kupferberg, als Quelle für die Erzählung „Isidor – Ein deutsches Leben“. Gemeinsam mit Esther Gardei vom Bonner Zentrum für Versöhnungsforschung stellt sie Leben, Tradition und Kreativität der Jeckes vor.
Dear friends and colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
Five years ago, fundamental research started in Bonn to develop a "Restatement of Restitution Rules for Nazi-Confiscated Art" (RRR). Since then, around 1,300 cases from six jurisdictions – Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom and Switzerland – have been recorded and their normative content comparatively scrutinized: Which „tipping points“ for evaluation recur? How have these points been handled in each case and why? Which arguments are systematically convincing in relation to others ("grammar of reasons"), which are less so? What are the principles that guide the decision-making process? Which procedural building blocks from current practice are convincing according to general procedural theory ("best practices"), which less so? The fundamental experience to be taken from the project is one that has always been described in comparative legal studies: only a comparison with others enables a true understanding of one's own.
Our comparative work has resulted in a project text of around 1,100 pages: Eight articles – Art. 1 RRR to Art. 8 RRR – outline the central recurring issues in formulated rules, which are intended to reflect the normative essence of the issues. Some rules are rather concise, others concern a highly complex set of issues and therefore contain many paragraphs. The text of each rule is followed by a commentary explaining how the proposed rule was generated from practice, which tendencies in practice support the rule and which other tendencies appear to run counter to it. Country reports then analyze the respective practice of the individual jurisdictions, always starting with an abstract overview of the respective issue. The case material referred to is then systematically organized in abstract summaries. We would like to present our work to you at conferences on
September 4, 2024, at the University of Bonn, Germany, and on
September 16, 2024, at New York University (NYU), New York City, USA.
We cordially invite you to attend! You will receive more details about the respective events soon.
The "Restatement of Restitution Rules for Nazi-Confiscated Art" (RRR) is a team effort. Most of the team members decided to write dissertations on their areas of expertise in the project. This enabled the team to build up a solid basis for the project work. In the run-up to the conferences on September 4, 2024, and September 16, 2024, we would like to introduce some of our team members to you in personal talks - the "RRR Talks". Current developments will certainly be discussed, such as e.g. the reform of the German Advisory Commission or the draft bill on a German "Law to facilitate the enforcement of the restitution of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution", but the focus will be on the foundational research work submitted in the PhDs and their respective authors.
The Opening Lecture took place on 13 June 2024. Please find a link to the recording here:
This event will be devoted to the practice in Austria and in Switzerland.
A further event is planned for
Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 7 p.m. Bonn time
on the Netherlands and France, with Dr Tessa Scheller, M.Sc. and Dr Johannes von Lintig, LL.M. All texts have been published or are about to come out in the publication series of the Research Centre for Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Property Protection Law. Further dates for „RRR Talks“ are being planned.
We cordially invite you to attend! You will receive the link to the event series by registering at We will send out the link to all registrants shortly before the first event. Please note that the lectures will be recorded and uploaded on the internet shortly after the respective event. By dialling in you declare your consent to this proceeding.
Please do not hesitate to forward our invitation to interested people in your area if you wish.
Data protection: We store your e-mail address on the basis of your express consent, previous individual contacts and/or presumed scientific interest in the respective event. We will of course delete your e-mail address if you wish us to do so. We will also be happy to provide you with further information on your data (please contact
Am 10. April 2024 eröffnete das Jüdische Museum Berlin (JMB) in der W. Michael Blumenthal Akademie eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe: die Lecture Series Wo liegt die Wahrheit? Über Ambiguitätstoleranz, kuratiert von Prof. em. Dr. Natan Sznaider (Tel Aviv). Der israelische Soziologe hält den Einführungsvortrag der Lecture Series und diskutiert an den vier folgenden Terminen mit seinen Gästen über Ambiguitätstoleranz und deren Relevanz heute: Wie können wir unterschiedliche Positionen aushalten und anerkennen?
Hier finden Sie alle Informationen über die gesamte Reihe:
Die Geschäftsführerin des Bonner Zentrums für Versöhnungsforschung, Esther Gardei und Alexander Ermakov, Software-Ingenieur und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Bonn Center for Digital Humanities haben den „Hackathon gegen Antisemitismus“ gewonnen: Sie arbeiten an einem Programm, mit dessen Hilfe man riesige Archiv-Bestände einfach nach ihrem Inhalt fragt und die Schränke dann antworten. Wie funktioniert das? Mit KI natürlich. Das Projekt begründet auch eine neue Kooperation des Bonn Center for Digital Humanities und dem Bonner Zentrum für Versöhnungsforschung.
Wie können die Objekte und Falldokumentationen des Hans-Gross-Kriminalmuseums in Graz dabei helfen die Themen ‚Schuld‘ und ‚Versöhnung‘ zu erforschen? Diese und andere Fragen werden im Rahmen des digitalen Seminars anhand realer Kriminalfälle diskutiert.
Das Seminar stellt die neue Kooperation zwischen dem Bonner Zentrum für Versöhnungsforschung und dem Hans-Gross-Kriminalmuseum der Universität Graz vor.
Professor: innen, Studierende und auch externe Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen! Anmeldung über bis zum 1. November 2023.
Am 12. Juni ist der erste Band der neuen Uni-Bonn-Press Reihe 'Interdisziplinäre Versöhnungsforschung / Interdisciplinary Reconciliation Studies' des Bonner Zentrums für Versöhnungsforschung erschienen. Der Band wurde von Esther Gardei, Michael Schulz und Hans-Georg Soeffner herausgegeben.
Der Band versammelt Beiträge u.a. von Moshe Zimmermann, Hans-Georg Soeffner, Michael Schulz, Esther Meininghaus, Winnfried Schmitz, Mathias Schmoeckel, Francesco Ferrari, Hüseyin Cicek, Takemitsu Morikawa und Esther Gardei.
Mehr Informationen über die Reihe finden Sie hier:
On June 22nd the Bonn Center for Reconciliation Studies invites to join the presentation of Dr. Martin Chung from Hong Kong.
This talk is based on the speaker's decade-long engagement with comparative reconciliation research in the region and argues for rethinking the utility of the conceptual fixation on "reconciliation". By examining the adjacent concepts of xiezui/shazai/sajoe 謝罪 in the Sino-Japanese-Korean relational triad and chanhui 懺悔 in intra-Chinese coming to terms with the past, their classical roots and contemporary application in the international as well as domestic political arenas, the presentation will attempt to demonstrate the peculiar difficulties hindering political reconciliation in the region in relation to these concepts and the promising potentials of conceptual openness in comparative research.
Thursday, 22. June 2023
Heussallee 18-24, Conference Room
18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Please register to participate. There will be a possibility to join via zoom. To gain access to the meeting please contact
Die Tagung zum Thema wird vom 22.-24. Februar 2024 in Bonn stattfinden. Tagungssprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch. Interessierte sind eingeladen, Abstracts bis max. 500 Wörter sowie eine ausformulierte Kurzbiografie (max. 200 Wörter) bis zum 30. April 2023 via Mail an Prof. Dr. Christine Krüger ( einzureichen. Die ausgewählten Beiträge werden im Vorfeld der Tagung den Beteiligten zur Verfügung gestellt. Reise- und Übernachtungskosten werden erstattet. Eine Publikation der Tagungsergebnisse ist angedacht.